Gambling Leads To Poverty

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Gambling occurs at a very high rate among people experiencing poverty and homelessness. In fact, 35% of men using shelter services in Toronto have reported serious or even severe gambling problems at some point in their lives. This is nine times higher than the general population. This verse is contrasting all 'get-rich-quick' schemes, including gambling, with honestly earning an income. Consider also: 'A greedy person tries to get rich quick, but it only leads to poverty' (Proverbs 28:22, New Living Translation). Money gotten quickly usually disappears quickly. Gambling can cause a person to get evicted by making him unable to pay bills, by causing divorce, by causing a breakdown of the family support structure, or even due to injuries caused by dealing with criminals involved in gambling. The decision to gamble can lead to things far more dangerous and tragic than simply being without a home. Critics say the machines are highly addictive and lead to crime and poverty but the gambling industry argues there is no hard evidence to back this claim. This week betting shops launched a new. The introduction of gambling usually does not impact personal income except in the situation where gambling brings in new revenue from outside the community and there is a significant degree of impoverishment prior to gambling introduction. This effect is most evident with the.

The gambling industry is fast becoming one of the most popular industries across the globe. Unlike some decades ago, where gambling was restricted to certain countries like the United Kingdom, most countries in the 21st century are embracing gaming.

Of course, not every country still allows betting and gambling sites because of the impact they think it might have on their citizens. Nevertheless, other countries like the UK cannot do away with it because they have seen the effect of gambling on the Gross Domestic Product of the country.

Some countries like the United States may have either listened to the cry of the gambling fanatics in their country or may have seen the benefits of betting and gambling to their economy. Betting laws and regulations are slowly being implemented and loosened to incorporate this new trend.

Within the next decade, gambling will have encompassed across the globe. So why is this industry spreading like wildfires? What impact does it have on our society and our economy?

Well, in this article, we will look at some of the negative social and economic impacts of gambling and hope that it will give you a new perspective towards gambling. So keep reading.

Social and Economic Impacts of Gambling

Before we get to the individual impacts, we want you to understand that there is positive and problem gambling. Positive gambling is well-controlled by the government, and the gambler is not addicted to the game.

On the other side, problem gambling is a type of gambling whereby the player is much addicted to the game. Every money they get, they drain it to casinos and sport betting sites. This can be a very devastating effect on one’s family and economy.

This kind of gambling goes as far as affecting the friends and the society of the individual involved in such dubious action. This could be the reason why most governments are still static in allowing gambling to their nations. Anyway, here are some impacts of gambling:

1. High financial costs

For a person who has become addicted to gambling, they can do anything as long as they will participate in a bet. Sometimes money will not be available at the moment, and they end up borrowing to sustain their behavior. That should tell you why most families and individuals are into huge debts.

At times it can get even worse where the individual remortgage their house or car and end up losing the money. If they cannot cope with their massive debts, they may opt to empty their banks, which eventually makes them bankrupt.

In case the individual in question is involved in some malpractices and is aligned in court, then there will be more financial costs that his family and the society will carry.

2. Leads to Criminal Activities

Sustaining the gambling behavior when you are addicted is one of the most challenging things to do especially if you don’t have money and you are jobless. In this case, the society and individuals around you will suffer.

Some addicted gamblers will choose to steal from their family members and society to uphold their character. Such end up in jails or rehabs, which is an extra burden to the society.

3. Negative health implications

Can you imagine losing your house or car which you had placed on a very promising bet? That can be very devastating. If you are strong and optimistic, you will not commit suicide. Nevertheless, you will need close monitoring to overcome stress and depression.

Often, gamblers who are addicted to this behavior tend to develop both mental and physical health issues.

4. Family breakdowns

Families have broken down while very promising couples have divorced, leaving their children in a dilemma of following their father or mother. The poverty that develops when a parent is gambling eventually causes trauma to innocent children. Some may be forced to drop out of school because there is no money for their fees.

Does Gambling Lead To Poverty

5. Give rise to vices in the society

A society ought to be full of values and virtues that govern everyone in the community. However, addicted gamblers will tend to play smart by stealing or lying to people. Since they cannot tell the people that they need money for gambling, they become crafty and start lying.

6. Leads to Suicide

Here is a gambler who practices problem gambling. He uses the last amount he had on a certain casino slot and eventually loses all the money. Eventually, they will find themselves unworthy of living, which can lead to suicidal thoughts. When some compare living with debts and broken families, they choose to end up their lives.

From the above impacts, you can know why there are so strict rules and laws governing gambling in some countries. With the above in the society, the country will no way progress. Problem gambling should never be allowed in any country, and countries should set up an option for players to block themself from gambling like Denmark and the United Kingdom have done.

Becoming homeless isn’t a one-off event. It’s usually caused by a series of unresolved issues that build up over time. Just one trigger can push an individual or a family out on the streets.

A popular belief is that many people become homeless due to an addiction, or simply due to poor money management skills. But the truth is much more complex. At Lifewise, we believe there needs to be an urgent shift in the way our society looks at poverty and homelessness.

Poverty and Homelessness Work Together

Homelessness is the most extreme sign of poverty. When families or individuals can’t afford basic necessities, they are forced to make some difficult choices. Will the money in their pocket go towards housing, food, healthcare or education? In New Zealand, we have a lack of job opportunities and affordable housing, and not everyone has access to affordable healthcare and public assistance.

Living in poverty can cause stress and trauma that can lead to a breakdown. This can include alcohol, drug or gambling addictions. But it could just as easily be a mental or emotional push that leads to loss of shelter and safety. Many homeless people are where they are because their parents, friends or relatives were unable or unwilling to accommodate them, or because they were unable to find public assistance. This can make them feel alone and unworthy.

It is often the case that those who are battling addictions developed the habit after losing their home. Becoming homeless is a traumatic experience, hitting those that are at their most vulnerable. Homeless people are often subject to discrimination from the public and are treated unfairly as if being homeless were a crime. This is the kind of mindset that needs to change.

We need to remember that every single person living it rough has their own real story to tell. Poverty and homelessness is a social issue, but it is also a human and civil rights issue. We need to treat these matters with an open mind and an open heart. By realizing that homeless people have the same rights as anyone living under a roof, we can begin to question the cause of it all.

Time for a Change

Gambling Leads To Poverty Affects

Does gambling lead to poverty

Gambling Due To Poverty

It is undeniable that poverty and homelessness go hand in hand. In a world where everything costs money, those who are unable to afford certain necessities are excluded. Living in poverty is precarious, as no-one knows when or if their pay-check will ever be enough. This is the fault of our societal system – housing policies need to be reviewed, employment needs to be more readily available and stable, and a national strategy is needed to tackle and prevent homelessness.

In New Zealand, poverty and homelessness is an ongoing problem. We have the highest rate of homelessness per capita in the OECD, so as a nation we really need to start addressing these problems. Economic growth alone doesn’t solve poverty, as it doesn’t necessarily address poverty and inequality. Income disparities between Māori, Pasifika, and Pakeha remain high, and the gap between the rich and the poor is wider than ever.

If you’re passionate about ending homelessness, support Lifewise with a generous donation now.